TUCOR Customer Materials

We provide our users with free Windows-based software. TWC RMS is used on TWC and NV controllers; Procom RMS is used on Procom controllers. Both require a free license when first used. Contact Tucor during normal business hours.

RMS software is available in zipped format with a setup routine; as an exe with a self-extracting zip; and zipped as a portable installation. RMS is compatible with Win 98 – XP. It will generally run on Vista and 7, but UAC and corporate IT restrictions may cause occasional problems, including installation and operation. If this occurs, it is suggested that you download and unzip the portable installation to your Desktop. This includes all the necessary files within the extracted RMS folder. Please read the readme.txt file in the RMS folder. Free Zip software is available here.

Archived (older) software is also available for special needs.

Literature includes Manuals and Guides for our various controllers.


– For NV, TWC, and COM controllers

TWC RMS 1.40, self-extracting with setup (5.3 Mb) – 2008 April 22
TWC RMS 1.40, zipped with setup
TWC-NV Manual (for NV controller only) (pdf, 7 Mb, 2007 July 9)
TWC RMS Manual (for RMS software) (zip, 2.4 Mb)
TWC Controller Manual (for hardware) (pdf, 14.6 Mb)
RKD Manual (pdf, 10.6 Mb, for firmware 2.3)
RKD Application Guide (pdf, 1.2 Mb)
RKS Manual (pdf, 10.6 Mb)
Software Registration Form (pdf)

Archived software

RMS 1.30.1 (zip, 5.3 Mb)
RMS 1.23 (zip, 3.8 Mb)
RMS1.14B (zip, 4.2 Mb)